I wrote an article about Tips to Getting Clear. Today I write about Getting Clean.

Baguio Brooms
Baguio Brooms (photo via www.gobaguio.com )

Just as an aside, just allowing myself to share … (hahaha, this is a funny struggle between “no need to explain” and “let your readers know”) … I feel there’s so much more I can share about these topics like Getting Clear and Getting Clean. I can make it a series altogether. That’s what I believe. What I’m doing now is allowing myself to have the discipline and self-worth, and allowing myself to just “be” without needing to overextend myself for these daily blogs. So here and now, I allow myself to just be. 

What are my tips to getting clean?

I speak of “getting clean” externally and “getting clean” internally.

Getting clean externally

Getting clean externally is getting clean literally. It is to take out the trash. Are there items in my environment that have become useless?

1.) Get Clean with your wallet. Let’s take something very simple: our wallet (or purse or bag). Last week, I cleared out my wallet of those random pieces of papers: ATM receipts, bus tickets, raffle tickets, old calling cards from acquaintances, etc. What I retained was only the important stuff: my own calling cards, cash, ATMs and IDs and my Novena to God’s Love.

Clearing out our wallet/purse/bag of trash helps us make space of new blessings — like CASH! Be abundant by letting abundance flow through you!

2.) Get Clean with Workspace. I moved in to a new condo unit a few weeks back. I’ve since organized my workspace so that I have my work tools at arms length (stapler, highlighter, label maker, post its, etc.), have my references at arms length (finance docs, real estate, coming up folder etc.), have my active files at arms length (all the files I need to get my week’s work done).

Well, almost ;-) . I also have four paper bags of “stuff” around me. These are some random items that I have yet to organize (Do, Dump, Delegate, Delay – this is another article) so that I’m clean. When my workspace is clean, it allows me to do more important things with less stress and less effort.

3.) Get Clean with Household stuff. I learned to clean things out from my sister, Anna. She’s got some very good household policies about keeping clean.

a.) Haven’t used it for more than a year? Let it go. That old jacket, that un-packed gift, that book you haven’t read — if you haven’t used it for more than a year, it means it’s not among your critical items. Let go and allow the item to be useful to other people.

b.) When something comes in, let go of something else. This is particularly useful for clothes. Instead of accumulating so much clothes, be “clean” by letting go of something old each time you acquire something new.

c.) Old appliances. Sometimes we have a tendency to hang on to old appliances, kitchen tools that have outgrown their time. Maybe it isn’t working perfectly. Maybe there’s another better item that does the same job. Maybe we’ve lost interest in it. Honor the item by allowing it to be useful to other people. Let it go.

Getting Clean Internally

To me, getting clean inside is what Socrates told Dan in my favorite book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior.

“Take out the trash. Trash is what’s in your head that’s keeping you from being present here and now.”
– Socrates. Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Getting clean to me means cleaning up our mind and heart. This is worth another article. I will honor myself by giving myself time to write this tomorrow ;-) .



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