I got another referral for Life Coaching. To two parents whose 13-year old child expressed thoughts of suicide.

Just in the past few months, we’ve been referred to at least three cases of teenagers who have expressed thoughts of suicide. We’ve had past clients in their 30’s, 40’s and even 60’s who’ve also had thoughts of suicide.

I know this is kinda morbid. Well, it is a reality and I just want you to be ready to help when needed.

When I encounter cases like these, a couple of questions come to mind:

1.) What is the environment like in the person’s home?
2.) What is the environment like in the person’s school / work?
3.) When was the earliest time these expressions / behaviours showed? What happened before it began?
4.) How healthy are the person’s relationships? With the father, mother, siblings, and other influential people (teachers, best friends, workmates, boss).

Question #3 tells us what might have triggered the thoughts of suicide.
Question #4 gives us an idea what kind of support the person has.

Lastly, I share this insight to the person or their loved ones:

5.) “Most people honestly know the root cause of the situation. Do YOU know what the root cause is? (And you don’t need to tell me what it is).”

In my experience, most people – if they were being truly honest with themselves – they already know what is the root cause. Sometimes it’s a disastrous problem at work. Sometimes it’s a case of bullying. Sometimes it’s a traumatic experience that has escalated through the years.

Often, it all boils down to a desperate need for better relationships at home.

Whether adults or teenagers, many people aren’t objective enough to express their concerns. Coaches are here to help teens and their parents have a better grasp of the situation. To open up a different perspective. To help the family cope with and heal the root cause of the situation.

If you or your loved ones are in a situation like this, I have a few practical tips:

1.) Be there for them. Be physically present.
2.) Listen to them. Sometimes, just having someone who listens is healing in itself.
3.) Respect their thoughts and feelings. Do not invalidate what they are expressing.
4.) Believe that they can rise up from the situation. With genuine love and care, believe that they shall rise up.
5.) Be patient. Healing is a process. Celebrate each day, celebrate every victory big or small.

Be ready. Know when it’s time to refer to a professional.

Do you have other practical tips that have worked for you? Comment below, share your thoughts. Feel free to ask questions as well.

Love day by day!


P.S. We have loads of practical tools to share to help you and your loved ones have better relationships. We share them in a seminar called “Find Your Happy”. It’s happening on August 18, Saturday at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati.

If you want to grow more in happiness, purpose, relationships and more join us!
To learn more, click here now —> http://www.winningcoaching.net/findyourhappy

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