I attended The Feast yesterday at the PICC. It was the afternoon session that starts at 3:45pm with a Catholic mass and is followed by a message by Bro. Alvin Barcelona.

The message was the fourth part of the “Younique” series entitled “Youmission” (Parts 1-3 were yourpersonality, yourbirthorder, yourchildhood).

I was blessed by Bro Alvin’s talk, and I’d like to share some notes from the talk.

Ka Edong and Bro Alvin Barcelona: Extremely Loving and Passionate teachers we are!
Ka Edong and Bro Alvin Barcelona: Extremely Loving and Passionate teachers we are!

Bow, Arrow, Target

The talk began with a metaphor of an archer. I am an archer with a bow and arrow which I use to hit my target.

The arrow is my potential – it is what I am good at, a special gift given to me by my good God, a strength that I continue to sharpen. My potential is useless without Passion.

The bow is my passion. It is what drives me towards my goal. Passion for what I do gives life and energy to every thought, every word, every action I take.

Without passion, my potential is untapped.

Likewise, all passion without the potential is a road filled with challenges.

Focus on what you’re good at, it is a gift God has given you.

Use this gift towards achieving your purpose.

Your target is your purpose in life. Hitting your target (your purpose in life) requires both potential and passion.

Potential + Passion = Purpose

Potential + Passion = Purpose . All three must be aligned for a happy life!
Potential + Passion = Purpose . All three must be aligned for a happy life!

Passion = Extreme Love

When you feel extreme love for something, you cannot help but be passionate about it, you cannot help but express this extreme love for it. Just like Michael Jordan’s extreme love for basketball. Jordan’s extreme love was expressed through excellence and passion for the sport.

Passion is Extreme Love. Bro Alvin shared how Michael Jordan uplifted the heights of basketball by his sheer passion for the sport.
Passion is Extreme Love. Bro Alvin shared how Michael Jordan uplifted the heights of basketball by his sheer passion for the sport.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Our good Lord has planted in us the dreams and desires of our hearts — our purpose in life.

He gave us all that we need to achieve that purpose.

I’d like to quote a friend, Glen Macadaeg, who encapsulates what he learned from Neil Armstrong, a man with so much passion and extreme love:

Thank you, Neil, for teaching me to always reach for the stars and that for every accomplished goal, it’s not the person who succeeds, but the whole human race.

Pursuing our purpose in life is not just for ourselves. It is for all the people we encounter, and the entire human race.

For me, moreso, pursuing my purpose is a way to give praise to my God.

Living a Life of Purpose

I am blessed to have found my purpose through the Heroic Leadership Seminar of PSI. Very powerfully, I learned how teaching is a big part of my being, a big part of my purpose in life. I want to help people to grow more and be more. And it starts with me – it is important for me to grow more and be more.

The Gap between where you are now and where you want to be is called LIFE! ;-)
The Gap between where you are now and where you want to be is called LIFE! ;-)

The gap between where I am now and where I want to be … THAT is LIFE!

And Life is beautiful when we heed our purpose.

Live a life of purpose!

With Extreme Love,
Purposeful edWIN

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