I’m taking the advise of Rich Schefren in his newsletter One Step Ahead.

I’m answer 20 questions that will help me have clearer thinking. It’s my way of learning and celebrating the past week. It’s also my way of preparing for another awesome, focused, *results*-oriented week.

1. What did I learn last week? – If you have trouble answering this, it’s time for a change. No matter how old you are, you should learn something new every week (if not every day).

Define your objective and do only the minimum essential.

2. What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week? – Reflecting on your accomplishments is a healthy and powerful way to raise your self-confidence.

Swift and successful registrations for Run 4 Japan.

3. Which moment from last week was the most memorable and why? – This helps you keep track of special events, meaningful conversations, and important moments.

Tuesday. I was in a state of flow. I did the one hour focused work sprints + journaling. It worked wonders for me. I shall do it this week again, with more focus.

4. What’s the #1 thing I need to accomplish this week? – Establishing your number one priority before the week starts helps you stay focused on your objective all week long.

Increase registrations for Run 4 Japan: 2x more pa!

5. What can I do right now to make the week less stressful? – Set reminders in your calendar, get your laundry done, fill the car with gas…organize yourself.

List my to do’s.

6. What have I struggled with in the past that might also affect the upcoming week? – The idea here is to learn from your struggles and better equip yourself for the upcoming week.

Lack of urgency. Action: Eat the frog!

7. What was last week’s biggest time sink? – Knowing how you wasted time during the past week can help you steer clear of distractions this week as well as in the future.

Lack of decisiveness. Lack of action and urgency.

8. Am I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped? – Mental clutter, physical clutter, an unfilled obligation weighing on you, etc…

A lot! A lot of incompletes. I shall prioritize doing quick and swift work on my core objectives, then spend an two hours listing all my incompletes and working on them.

9. What have I been avoiding that needs to get done? – Sometimes we avoid important things that must get done. Calling yourself on it has a powerful way of making you take action.


10. What opportunities are still on the table? – Was there a new opportunity that surfaced last week or earlier that you haven’t gotten around to seizing? If so, this question will help you remember it.

Garfield. Mog. Proposals.

11. Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to? – For a loner like me who’d rather spend his time alone reading, researching, and writing, this question keeps me focused on the importance of regular contact with important associates and ensures I solve problems before they fester.

Joy Sosoban.

12. Is there anyone who deserves a big “Thank You”? – There’s always someone to thank – sometimes we just need to be reminded of it. And thanking a person each week will do wonders for your relationships.


13. How can I help someone else this coming week? – It’s easy to become myopic about your own goals. This question reminds you it’s important to seek out opportunities to help those around you with their goals too.


14. What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years? – This helps keep you conscious of what really matters. It’s easy to lose focus (at least it is for me) if you’re not constantly reminded.

P500,000 monthly. RCS. Feast+PSI.

15. Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goals? – This is just a check-in question. If your answer is no, you’ll know you need to make some changes immediately.

Yes! R4J! And the calls!

16. What’s the next step for each goal? – If you don’t know the next step to accomplishing your goals, you can’t take any actions that will get you closer to achieving them.

  • P500,000 monthly – R4J; book May/June
  • RCS – Money Jars.
  • Feast+PSI – list

17. What am I looking forward to during the upcoming week? – This question will keep you motivated. If you can’t think of anything, you should immediately schedule something that you can look forward to.

Celebrating 850! Weekend with Rezza!

18. What are my fears? – By consciously surfacing your fears each week, you’ll be able to better do the personal work needed to resolve them. Often it’s about taking baby steps, small actions that help you push your fears aside.

Rejection. Action: Ask anyway!

19. What am I most grateful for? – While I recommend you do this every day, you can highlight one thing each week that really stood out from your daily lists.

My God. My self. My Family. My Rezza.

20. If I knew I only had one week to live, who would I spend my time with? – This is a helpful reminder for me that life is short and if someone is on my list I should be spending time with them.

Spend time with Rezza and my family. ;-)

Good reflections at the start of this week. Yey! Thank you Lord!

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